A review by meghan111
The Human Division by John Scalzi


The thing that most impresses me about Scalzi is that his sci-fi novels totally live up to the feminist ideas he supports and espouses in his blog writing. Over half of the characters and authority figures in [b:The Human Division|15698479|The Human Division (Old Man's War, #5)|John Scalzi|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1341582413s/15698479.jpg|21356077] are female, and they are all fully-formed characters who have things to do and points of view.

The Human Division is a series of 13 linked stories about space diplomacy during a developing schism between the people of Earth and the Colonial Union (the union of human settlers on other worlds that has been exploiting the Earth for the soldiers it needs). Written in different styles, these chapters all were entertaining to listen to on a car trip. They ranged from straight-up tense action stories to character studies of a family's dynamic when the son chooses to stay in a low-level diplomatic career in space rather than enter political life on his home planet.