A review by jigsawgirl
Heart Thief by P.J. Fiala


Can you say miscommunication? How about no communication? I wanted to like this audiobook. I really did. The narration was good. The story I found to be frustrating.

Levi started out with extremely sexist behavior. He was rude and disrespectful. I don't know that I could have overcome his attitude as fast as Sage. Sage with all of her various experience seemed to lack confidence in anything other than her job. They both threw out so many mixed signals and jumped to so many conclusions. The whole situation was irritating.

Next we have the mystery where the culprits were obvious. Yet, it took forever for this crack team of security experts to figure it out.

Then we have the last silly move Sage made and at the end what I thought was a rather insulting statement from Levi regarding his feelings. But that's just what I thought.

The book left me with a number of unanswered questions. I hate when that happens. What happened to the people responsible for the robberies? What happened to Chuck? What was the point of introducing people in Sapphire Falls? Did Levi ever talk to Sage about his issues with women or relationships?

There was no build up of sexual tension. Levi and Sage seemed to come together almost in desperation as they ran hot and cold with one another. The ending was rather abrupt as well. I would give this 2.5 stars, 3 max.

I voluntarily listened to and reviewed this audiobook received via StoryOrigin.