A review by jroberts3456
Guardian Angels and Other Monsters by Daniel H. Wilson


I read Clockwork Dynasty earlier this year; didn’t think it was great but Wilson’s writing is fun and entertaining enough so I thought I’d give this collection a try. I loved it. His shorts resonate with energy and fun and he knows how to pack a punch with the short form. Most of the stories are robo-centric but the few that aren’t really showcase Wilson’s abilities as a writer. Blood Memory is especially haunting, even if it’s just a riff on King’s The Jaunt, and God Mode packs a surprising emotional wallop. I wasn’t keen to dive into Wilson’s back catalogue after Clockwork, but I might need to check out Robopocalypse now after reading this. Maybe I judged him too harshly are first. Still, fans of sci-fi in general will probably find at least 4-5 stories they love in this slim collection.