A review by lit_laugh_luv
Sisters by Daisy Johnson


[3.5 stars] I was really torn about giving this a 3.5 or 4 stars. Sisters focuses on a toxic and parasitic relationship between teenage sisters July and September; while it starts out quite subtle, then hits a climax towards the end with a fairly predictable and generic twist. I didn't necessarily hate the twist, even if it was predictable, but it does bring this into a realm that feels well-trodden. I think other comparable works pull off the twist a bit better and hold up better on re-reads.

Daisy Johnson is a talented writer who evokes a lot of mood and atmosphere in the most minute details; the setting is unnerving and physically decrepit which contrasts well with the different events that previously took place in it. It bears a vague resemblance to [b:In the Dream House|43317482|In the Dream House|Carmen Maria Machado|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1547869259l/43317482._SX50_.jpg|65787792] in how the different rooms are associated with different symbols and memories between July and September.

I really enjoyed July's voice and how immersive her perspective was, especially when it becomes recontextualized from their mother's perspective in part 2. The twist felt somewhat gimmicky and expected, which was a disappointment given there was otherwise a lot of creative liberties taken with this. I'd need to re-read earlier scenes in the novel, but I'm not sure they make complete narrative sense in light of the twist? The beginning and ending are certainly more subtle than the climax, and I much preferred their delivery.

Overall this is a short and compelling read that doesn't do anything particularly revolutionary, but makes up for it with really strong writing and delivery. I'd be curious to see how I enjoy other books by this author.

"Dreams were tangles, dreams were marshes, dreams were the coffins our father was buried in."