A review by gaderianne
Geektastic: Stories from the Nerd Herd by Cecil Castellucci, Holly Black


This book reinforced why I do not typically read short stories - they are simply not as well developed as full length books and I feel like I cannot connect to the characters. I was looking forward to connecting to this book more than usual, but I found that I simply did not relate to many (if any) of the characters. There were some stories that were amusing, some that were sad (the story of the obsessed Dino Girl getting her revenge just made me feel bad for all involved, for example, instead of feeling that sweet justice was served), and some I had to skip over after reading a few pages. (Typical anthology reading for me.) I have to admit that I had to slog through this one.

As a young adult book, all of the stories took place in high school. Although I would classify myself as I geek, I obviously wasn't a tortured geek because my experiences did not mirror the characters in these stories. I'm glad that I read the book, but when all is said and done my feelings are just "meh" about this book.