A review by half_blood_princess
Anatomy of Criticism by Northrop Frye

challenging informative tense slow-paced


- Late review -
It's been so long since I've finished this book and only found time today to review it properly. I still remember the seasons, the irony, and depth of criticism. What I love the most in the book is that Fyre argues that reading is done in two-way, both outward and inward. Outward, we take apart the words— taking them in singles, their meaning alone called centrifugal. While the other side, is inward, where the words come together to make a pattern, a sense in the story. The  Anatomy.of Criticism, like its title, aims to dissect literature like it is a form of sciende rather tham art. Fyre discussess in his first essay, the four types of modes (which he referred to as action) and in the second essay, he defined the five types of symbols. In the third, he concluded what is the combined meaning of these symbols, where he discussed the four seasons (the infamous spring as comedy until satire as winter.) Lastly, in his fourth essay, he discussed the four different genres. 

I might come back to this book when I am older, and definitely had read more mythology.