A review by sapphisms
Good Enough to Eat by Jae, Alison Grey


content warnings: addiction, alcoholism

it was really good at the beginning! the premise is so interesting (a vampire wanting to give up blood cold turkey and treating it as an addiction!) but i think as soon as the book hit about 50% it got really cheesy very fast. like, a lot of what made it compelling is given up in favor of very cheesy romance. at a point i realized that there was little differentiating robin and alana (the two main leads) other than their respective different species. the narration would switch points-of-view in the middle of the scene, making it difficult to keep up with, and the stakes never got high enough to make me feel like they weren't going to end up together. i was really surprised, considering how much i liked jae's writing in 'backwards to oregon', that this book (published two years after it) feels very juvenile in its writing style, and relies so heavily on cheesy romance one-liners that i've heard before. good premise, incredibly mediocre delivery.

also, not related to the actual contents of the book, but the audiobook is horrendous. robin, alana, and the main narration don't have too different a tone, which makes it hard to tell who's speaking, and
Spoilerthe sex scenes are so hammy that it becomes uncomfortable to listen to