A review by booksnest
Read with Pride by Lucy Powrie


Read with Pride is the sequel to The Paper & Hearts Society, but following Olivia rather than Tabby from the first book. This series is about a group of teens who love books and so have formed their own bookclub, the Paper & Hearts Society. One thing I would say about the characters in these books is they actually act their age, you believe they are 16-18 because they are written so well and like real people. 

The highlight of this book for me was how inclusive of LGBTQIA+ characters it is. The campaign Read with Pride is started as a retaliation against the school library needing a permission slip to withdraw any books featuring LGBTQIA+ themes. Olivia and her new friends band together to try and stand up against their school in their own protest. We meet so many characters that are both discovering and are confident in their sexuality. 

I think this book could really be a lifeline for teens in school struggling to understand their own sexuality. I know it's just a book, but the solidarity shown in it and community can't help but make you feel a little less alone in your own thoughts and feelings. I love that Lucy's books always centre around some greater cause and she brings attention to her passions in her writing so well. 

Olivia is taking on a lot of work in this important year of school and we see the pressures getting to her. I think this really reflects well on what it is like to be a teen at this stage in school life. Lucy Powrie captures the stress and over-whelming feeling of anxiety and pressure that comes with this stage in education. She made me feel like I was right back in school with her descriptions of Olivia's feelings. She's so relatable which makes her a great main character to read about. 

Read with Pride is a story of friendship, of the LGBTQIA+ community and their rights and also about fighting for what is right. Olivia is passionate about so many things and wants to fight for so much and do so much good. She's a ray of sunshine and I love reading about her adventures in this book.