A review by jillianbald
The Book of Dog by Lark Benobi

It seems "The Book of Dog" would be a light story. It is perhaps more fable than fiction (gather around children--um, I mean adults--and I will tell you how the world ends). I wasn't laughing out loud, like some reviewers mentioned. Maybe I rolled my eyes or smiled, but I thought the author's message was meant to be taken more thoughtfully, alongside her well-placed comical graphics.

The entire story is drenched in current events, real-life situations and what-ifs, but told in such a way that you are compelled to read on, despite its absurd cast of characters. The fresh approach to political and religious themes and Lark's imaginative writing kept me reading. I liked how she ended it, too. The underuse of commas distracted me, but I am old-school about that. I will check out her other novel "After" (written under her real name Claire, mentioned in the back of the book). She is an author with something to say, and I am drawn to that.