A review by louandlife
Honey So Sweet, Vol. 04 by Amu Meguro


I am enjoying this series. I am now officially more than halfway through and I can say that it is super cute and I don't think that this series will have anything problematic in it like blackmail etc prevalent in other mangas because this series is so cute and innocent. This volume wraps up the plotline of Futami and then the later chapters focus on the side characters and their potential romance. I enjoyed that plot line because we got to see more development and emotional growth from characters which we only saw on the surface level. Overall, I did enjoy this volume but I also felt like nothing happened but things did happen. I think I'll end up forgetting about this volume in a few months time but that does not mean that this was a bad book. I really enjoyed it but the plot is taking more of a back seat and now the series is focusing on character development.