A review by ssimpson92
Sweet Tea and Sympathy by Molly Harper


3.5/5 Rating rounded up

This review is for the series including Books 1 - 3.

High-brow “literary” fiction these are not. Southern Eclectic is just pure, unadulterated, silliness. If you’re expecting anything else from a story about an “eclectic” family, based in a small southern town, that run a combined funeral service/bait and tackle shop (which locals refer to as the “bait and bury")… well…you’re just not paying attention. But, if this kind of preposterousness doesn’t immediately put you off, then maybe, just maybe, you’d enjoy this delightful little yarn spun by Molly Harper. I actually listened to the Audible version of these books, so for me, it was like having that funny, full of life, family member/friend come to your house to share a drink and a tale. A tale told on the back porch at the end of a good meal, for no other reason than to make you laugh. The characters are … well … characters: quirky, prone to predicaments and downright likeable. The things they get themselves into make for a funny story – humorous, with a touch of snark and embellished with just enough exaggerated mischief to make you laugh till you snort your beer. Nothing is too outrageous to include, from the flamingo raid on the shrimp canapes at a fancy gala, to staged zombies in the autopsy room at the funeral home, to crazy bubba-brawls at the annual trunk-and-treat. Yup, crazy antics, stuff you wouldn’t think could ever work, but somehow does. All that and a romance thrown in. The whole series is a very quick "read" and just delightful!

Sometimes you need a break from stories bent on deep social commentary or demanding empathy for the plight of others. For me, these books fill that need.