A review by cr4nkyp4nts
Sky Raiders by Brandon Mull


I gave this one two stars because I really did not like it at all but my son - the preferred age range, I think - enjoyed it much more than I did.

Here are some of the reasons I didn't like it and don't recommend it for anyone over 11 years old:

- we listened to the audio book and we both agreed that the narrator was horrible. His pacing and voices were just terrible. If you decide to get this one for a kid, get either print or ebook.

- The world building was poorly done and just lazy. It was basically America in another universe with some fairly interesting creatures and abilities thrown in.

- There were way too many places where the scenes drug on too long and/or had absolutely nothing to do with moving the story forward. There were a few where some of the characters participated in the equivalent of either "I know you are but what am I?" or just rambling on to get the last word. It was maddening to me and I ended up muttering to myself wishing for all of their gruesome deaths.

Someone I know has recommended book:Wild Born|17244430] so maybe that series is better written but I'd avoid this one.