A review by chigangrel
A Forest, or a Tree by Tegan Moore


A novella with the promise of a good story but with a climax that falls flat. I get open-ended endings, leaving things on a hook, but there's a way of doing it that doesn't annoy the reader. Moore's writing goes from realism to overly vague description which also doesn't help the sudden end. Overall it came off as one of the more middling stories you'd find on r/nosleep, which the author surely frequents based on the constant references to reddit. For a short, free story give it a go, but if you're looking for something scarier, with more depth, that won't leave you feeling more annoyed than creeped out, check out [b:The Ritual|10239382|The Ritual|Adam Nevill|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1328356391l/10239382._SY75_.jpg|15139399] instead; it's the same story but done better.