A review by knitter22
The Chalk Artist by Allegra Goodman


The Chalk Artist started off interestingly enough, but my initial interest didn't last very long. I enjoyed reading about Collin, a chalk artist and waiter, who seemed reasonably happy with his life despite everyone around him telling him that he should be and do more. After the opening pages, it quickly fell apart into an unfocused, seemingly random series of snippets about video games, virtual reality, a teacher trying to reach her students, a teenage girl suffering from angst and confusion, and bits about the interrelated characters with no transitions or depth. I enjoy playing video games, and have even watched my kids play on occasion, but for me, reading endless decriptions of the characters in The Chalk Artist playing a video game was more painful than waiting in line at the DMV.

Book Bingo 2017 - About art/artist(s)