A review by the_novel_approach
6 Days to Get Lucky by L.E. Franks


So, this is technically the second book in a series, following the novella Six Days to Valentine, where we were introduced to Nick and FatBoy. While this could be read as a standalone, I would recommend reading in order for context—not just on Nick and FatBoy’s relationship but also the rest of the supporting characters.

Nick is the mixologist at a Bar/Restaurant. He’s looking forward to finally getting to be alone with Davis “FatBoy” Newman, bouncer and very much potential boyfriend. Davis is going to visit his grandmother and Nick is going to go away with him…until he gets suckered into working and leaves Davis high and dry. This, needless to say, sets off a string of new mishaps and obstacles that keep Davis and Nick from getting their act together.

Beyond the cancelled trip and various miscommunications, there are a lot of other distractions. The first is a crazy Irish hurling team that arrives en masse at the bar. Nick is nearly overwhelmed with the sea of humanity. It’s also the week before St. Patrick’s Day and he’s not looking forward to what he sees as the silly and annoying decoration and costume extravaganza that is sure to strike the manager’s fancy.

Next, there is a bitter and surly little person who is all kinds of obnoxious to Nick at the bar. Little does Nick know that this guy and his friends will truly prove to be his undoing. He and his band of merry men wreak all kinds of havoc at the bar while Nick keeps trying to play peacemaker.

Finally, we have an Irish band booked by Nick’s boss as the special entertainment for St. Patrick’s Day. Nick knows that this is going to be nothing but trouble the second he lays his eyes on the lead singer. And he couldn’t be more right.

Poor FatBoy is along for the ride on most of this one. Since we are getting the story from Nick’s POV, it’s obvious that he still really wants to try to have something with Davis, but his insecurities and his mouth tend to run away with him at times. Poor Davis is still trying to make his way to Nick, but he’s got his own issues with his family and with trying to manage Nick and his freak-outs.

This is once again a highly entertaining story. I love Nick’s voice but honestly there was a lot going on in this one. Maybe a little too much. But overall, I still loved being in Nick’s head while he tries to get it right—usually falling short. The whole dramedy around St. Patrick’s Day was pretty amusing, and I loved the Irish guys. Well, except for one. Nick’s coworkers continue to provide grist for the mill, and the regular customers are also along for this one.

Definitely recommended and I truly cannot wait to see what happens next with these guys. I’m sure it will be entertaining and worth the wait.

Reviewed by Sadonna for The Novel Approach Reviews