A review by amrap
Logavina Street: Life and Death in a Sarajevo Neighborhood by Barbara Demick


In this book Demick profiles the residents of Sarajevo during the Balkan War of 1992-1995 and shows what daily life is like when you live a medieval life under siege without electricity or food in a modern European city. She captures the sense of isolation and disbelief that the residents feel, the way that they adapt and survive with shelling and snipers, and the aftermath of the war that ended effectively in a stalemate, leaving Bosnia partitioned and with an ineffective government structure. I've been reading books set during the war and there were questions that I wanted answers to: how did they cook, how did they bathe, how did they live. Demick captures the minutia of the day to day, even including recipes that one of the residents created to use food rations. A great read that really brings to life what it is like to live in a besieged city in war.