A review by nicolemhewitt
Lost World by Kate L. Mary


4.5/5 Stars

This review and many more can be found on my blog: Feed Your Fiction Addiction

Lost World is the fourth installment in the Broken World Series, but trust me, the series isn’t losing any steam. Once again, this book kept me riveted, madly turning the pages until I (sadly) got to the end.

In this installment, the gang finds a new safe haven of sorts – but if you’ve been reading these books you’ll know that nothing is truly safe in the world that Mary has created. With the threat of winter looming over them, the group needs to find real shelter and supplies. When Hadley and Jon get separated from the group, circumstances get even more complicated!


Hadley and Jon.
In this one, we get part of the book from Hadley’s perspective so that we can see her journey with Jon. At first, I wasn’t so keen on Hadley’s POV because she’s so bitter and negative – not that she doesn’t have the right to be after what happened to her in the last book, but it was a little hard to read at first. But as the book progresses we see Hadley’s journey toward healing and recreating herself. Turns out, I ended up loving her story!

Brady is a new character who’s introduced and he’s (as per usual with Mary) a little different than your typical post-apocalyptic hero. I don’t even want to say what about him is different because it’s more fun to leave it as a surprise! But I will say that Brady is smart (and smart-alecky) and such a fun new character. I look forward to getting to know him even more in future books!

The ending.
Something happens at the end of the book that nearly undid me and led to a pretty major twist. I won’t say anything else, but I will say that I’m eagerly awaiting the next book to find out what happens next!

The negatives:

Separation from the group.
The only thing that bothered me just a little bit was the fact that when Hadley and Jon got separated from the group, no one made an effort to go back for them. I know that circumstances didn’t allow it right away (I won’t spoil why, but I will say that things got desperate for a while!), but I couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t have at least tried to go find them when they had a vehicle and the opportunity to. It just didn’t make sense to me because that’s not how this group operates – there have been plenty of times when Vivian and Axl have gotten in trouble and separated from the group and someone always comes for them. They just don’t abandon each other. Ever.

I think I say this every time I review one of these books, but I’ll say it again – if you’re an adult reader who enjoys zombie or post-apocalyptic books and you haven’t read this series, I don’t know what you’re waiting for. Whatever it is, stop waiting. Trust me, you won’t be sorry! Oh, and I just saw that there’s a book of short stories that just came out in July! I don’t read a lot of short stories, but for this series, I’ll make an exception. I just bought it and can’t wait to read it! I give Lost World 4.5/5 stars.

***Disclosure: This book was provided to me by the author in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***