A review by suzysuzy34
Cooper by Harper Sloan


I’m sorry I’ve got up to chapter 18 and cannot seriously read anymore. Sometimes this author is okay and I like her, other times she’s way OTT, especially with the sex scenes. The only reason really I’m continuing reading this series is because I’ve already paid £7 for the whole boxset. Chelsie is annoying as hell and Asher isn’t much better. Seriously the whole date with Phil the foot fetish guy makes me want to gag, it just so not believable and the guy coming out of the toilet with a used tampom on his face, whilst the slut he was having sex with has tissue paper sticking out of her knickers!!! Yuck!!! disgusting, I dont know if the author is trying for humour but I seriously don’t get it. No connection at all between these two and I have no interest in their happy ending.

Now I did love Dee and Beck’s story (book 2), so as I have already paid for the whole series of books, I’m jumping straight to Maddox’s and Emmy’s story as I do like this couple and pray for a better outcome than what I’ve been reading here.


Seriously I’ve read the first few chapters of Locke (Maddox’s story) and I just can’t do it, Emmy a stripper - no thanks, going to leave this series be.. cannot read on anymore. I’ve had enough of the OTT inner dialogue and drama.