A review by alexandracpedro
The Violin of Auschwitz by Maria Àngels Anglada


This was a buddy read and I guess I was the one, out of three, that enjoyed it the most, even though I didn't enjoy it very much...
It was a fast reading and an easy one as well, even though it gets quite confusing at times (I don't feel like we can complain about that so much since that's her writing style).
I feel like it teaches us a great lesson: we can find something worth living for even in the darkest of times. That's the one thing I'll take out of it. It didn't appeal to my emotions and, therefore, I think I won't take it with me for years to come.
I'd recommend it for people who like violins and that's why I rated it 3 stars. It's more about violins than it is about the second world war, which was what I was most interested in. I could extract some information related with the second world war but not as much as I would expect on a book that's set in Auschwitz.