A review by labriejames
Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma


This is by far one of the saddest books I have ever read. I honest to God feel a little bit depressed. This is so down trodden that my chest physically aches. Everything about it written so well.

Of course they fell in love because they didn’t have parents and they acted like parents.

I’m not a Hollywood ending typed of person where everything has to end on a great prefect note but I am a person who believes in an optimistic ending. If in the end the mother went to rehab, recognized her problem, or maybe they kids gone into care together? Not sure but I do feel like something should have happened after the suicide. Something that made his sacrifice more worthwhile. Something that even hinted at a better happier future for the kids.

That’s is the only draw back I have. I feel like there was no resolve. It was a moment in time and not a complete ending.

I love the fact that the author had the characters address the same issues that the readers were thinking about. The incest, the crimes, the paranoia...

I also loved the sex seen. Not because I got turned on by it but because you rarely find an wither who writes about how clumsy, bumbling, and awkward the first time can be. How hard it is for guys to last the first time and how the girl feels excited and terrified. I am curious where he suddenly got condoms though. Especially for someone who was always internally thinking about never crossing that line.

Very well written. Tabitha Suzuma is definitely someone I would want to have coffee with and talk writing and stories.