A review by curlybangsandbooks
Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey


General feelings: I loved this book!

Leviathan Wakes is an interplanetary adventure in a world where humans have colonized the solar system. There are cultural and political tensions between Earth, Mars, and the Space Station Colonies located in the asteroid belt. The main story of imminent war is interwoven with a missing persons mystery and interpersonal struggles of our main cast of characters as they get thrown into a system wide conflict.

I was incredibly impressed with the authors' ability to immerse me in the story completely. The characters, the plot, the atmosphere, and the mystery all kept me engaged throughout the entire adventure. I particularly enjoyed the dynamics between our main crew and the ways they adapted to each new challenge.

I was occasionally bothered by a pattern I noticed in the authors storytelling. Often there would be a buildup of tension that seemed to be heading for a burst of conflict, only for that conflict to be soothed away by conversation, circumstance, etc. This soothing wasn't your typical plot convenience style, it always made sense, but eventually I did start to miss the release of tension during an actual conflict.

Overall, I am incredibly impressed with this book and absolutely cannot wait to continue on in the story! Everyone should give this book a shot at some point in their life!