A review by loverofromance
As Twilight Falls by Amanda Ashley


This review was originally posted on Addicted To RomanceMy Review

The Summary 

Kadie Andrews has come out the the western states, as a photographer. She has a talent with capturing ghost towns and cemeteries. She takes a wrong turn and ends up in a town that is off the map, practically a ghost town and makes her eerie. The residents are a bit off and react strangely towards her. Hardly anything is open, including a gas station. During the day there is activiy, but the moment the sun goes down, everyone flees into their homes. Through a array of circumstances she ends up learning about the truth behind the curtain. The town of Morgan Creek, is overcome by a coven of vampires, and the master vampire who has been alive since the crusades, is the most dangerous yet sensual mans Kadie has ever known. But she is literally kept a prisoner along with everyone else in the town. As the food supply for the vampires. Some have it worse than others, depending on the vampire feeding on you that week. Kadie has the luck of drawing the attention of Rylan Saintcrow, the leader of them. He keeps her in his home, but there is something real that draws Kadie to Rylan. Rylan has never known anything good or pure since he was turned centuries ago, until he scented Kadie....her spirit and body pure in every way. Will Rylan and Kadie be able to hold onto forever....or will the dangers that threaten Rylan seperate them forever.

The Hero 

Rylan Saintcrow has been a vampire for the longest time and he is one of the oldest vampires of their kind. He came to Morgan Creek, since it was off the map, a dead town and a place the vampire hunters knew nothing about. Lately, the vampire hunters have grown to a huge number, and are killing off his kind by large numbers. So Rylan stayed in this small town, and offered sanctuary to a few vampires that needed a safe place and protection. Rylan was turned while fighting in the Holy War during the Crusades and was left abandoned and alone, to learn the ways and made too many mistakes....actions he regrets with his full heart. Rylan despite being a vampire, his strict rules....has a good heart and has a code of honor. Rylan is a pure alpha male, and boy I had so much fun with this character. At first I was uneasy about him, however as I delved deeper into the story I realized how realistic his character seemed to be. The author here, doesn't sugar coat vampires but what I liked was seeing the good come through with each chapter.

The Heroine 

Kadie Andrews was a delightful heroine and there were many aspects of her personality I felt I could relate with. She is a professional photographer, and loves traveling. She is close to her family, and has a great inner strength, but is also kind and accepting. When she first arrives to the town, she has a hard time accepting what is actually happening to her. But she stands up to the vampires she runs across, and since they can control her mind if need be, she seeks escape when they are sleeping. However it still proves to be pointless since there is a block when trying to leave. No one can except for Rylan. Kadie is a heroine that accepts Rylan eventually, she still battles verbally with him and I loved her courage to stand up to him.

Plot and Story Line 

In As Twilight Falls, Amanda Ashley has created another great vampire romance that has a more gothic theme to it and I just soaked it all up. I haven't had a chance to read too many gothic themes, but Ashley handled this one in such a fabulous way. It deals with mixed emotions and actions, that the reader has to battle with as you read. I loved the set up of the story, and I was instantly drawn into it from the first page or two. One aspect I have always admired about Amanda Ashley, is how easily I can get swept up into her stories, and As Twilight Falls was no different. What was truly fascinating was seeing the variety of characters that come into play. Not all good....not all bad either. We have a mix of personalities and we see the line between black and white...turns grey at times. There were a couple of side characters that I didn't exactly care for, especially the woman vampire. Boy she was a piece of work....very cruel and vicious so I was thrilled when she was taken out of the picture. But some revelations occur that create unique plot twists that turned me upside down and inside out. The romance between Kadie and Rylan was fantastic. At first we have two strong personality who have a battle of wills....but as they let their pride and stubborness go, we see a beautiful romance build.

The Cover 

I like this cover, not my favorite from Amanda Ashley, but it has a great gothic theme to it, and I love the reddish background theme to it.

Overall View

As  Twilight Falls is a stirring, and thought-provoking story with gothic themes and a variety of aspects to keep you asking for me. Its a story that is stirring, and exceptionally well written. Guaranteed to send chills down the spine.
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