A review by lizaroo71
All the Rivers by Dorit Rabinyan

Did not finish book.
Soooooo, I read about 172 pages of this book and couldn't see the end in sight. The premise of the story intrigued me: two people meet in New York and are swept into a whirlwind romance. But, the problem is the two young lovers are from Israel (Liat) and Palestine (Hilmi). The relationship is doomed from the beginning and yet, the two proceed to stay in one another's lives. Liat is certain that she can never truly be devoted to Hilmi. She makes sure that he is aware that they can never have a future together. Ever. And, yet, they stay in a relationship!

There are many aspects of the story that I liked, but I felt the story dragged on too long. I finally skipped to the final page to determine what happened to the lovers (I don't think it would have been worth the journey). Some great writing here, but the plot definitely needed some cleaning up.