A review by thepaperreels
My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh


“She was beautiful, with all her nerves and all her complicated, circuitous feelings and contradictions and fears.”

[TW: Mention of death, depression]

Here’s the deal: you find no joy in being alive (been there, done that, right?) and seem to be far from finding out why. Was it your messed up folks that caused this? Is it because you’re too pretty that you don’t even know if the connections you make are genuine? Or is it because you're still unhappy despite being pretty AND somewhat wealthy? This is the dilemma of our unnamed narrator. But, look, she has a brilliant idea: what if a year of sleeping resets her life and actually makes her happy?

This is one of the rare cases where I disliked the character and continued reading. I give credit to the author, Ottessa Moshfegh. Reading MYORAR is like reading a diary, which isn’t usually my cup of tea, but Moshfegh made it work! She did not, in any way, made the narrator likable. She could be you or a person you know. She can be a bit much, and reading about her thoughts can be a little uncomfortable.

At one point while reading this, I got super sad and had to put the book down for some pick-me-up. I couldn't help but feel for someone who's unhappy and trying to figure things out. I would say that this is one of the most accurate depictions of depression that I’ve read in such a long time. For someone who has been clinically diagnosed with depression, it was a little triggering at some point so I felt the need to put a trigger warning.

MYORAR embraces the uncertainties, the emptiness, and the quiet acceptance that sometimes life just doesn’t work the way it should and the realization towards that can be long-winded and might involve lots of sleeping and tons of medication.

In conclusion, it’s safe to say that this book isn’t for everybody. Would I still recommend it? If you’re into complex themes and storylines, then I highly recommend giving this book a chance. It is a thought-provoking and emotionally impactful read that will leave you pondering the complexities of life long after you finish the final page.

3.5! Review is crossposted HERE!