A review by onegin
The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home by Jeffrey Cranor, Joseph Fink

dark tense medium-paced


Revenge is a common theme in stories. Here, revenge is shown as it is: a cycle that feeds on itself, when you pay for your hurt by inflicting new pain on those that hurt you. A high cost, for what gain?

The cast of characters is an interesting one, each of them have interesting quirks. In general I'm ambivalent about Welcome to Night Vale novels: they're not bad, but they leave a lukewarm impression and seldom do I remember anything about them once I've finished them. They have their quirks, but overall, they're plain. The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home is no exception. I would regard this as fun bonus content to the podcast show, but it has little to give as it stands by itself.

Bonus points for pirates though.