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A review by ericarobyn
Horrors Untold by Matt Wildasin
Horrors Untold Vol 6 by Matt Wildasin is a collection of tales that will leave you in one of three ways; laughing, unsettled, or completely horrified.
THIS IS SUCH A FUN COLLECTION! Each of the stories here had me totally immersed. One hit home super hard and one had me ready to burn the world down to prevent something like that from happening to me (Itch, I’m talking about you!).
As I had a newborn at the time I read this, I took my time with these stories, and boy, I’m so glad I did! I let each one really settle into my mind rather than cruising through them, anxious to see what would come next. This was so refreshing as I usually just can’t help but read straight through!
If I had to pick a favorite from this collection, it would have to be Jason Voorhees: Camp Counselor. The horror comedy was just too perfect!
Here are my thoughts on each tale!
Introduction –
Per usual, we get an awesome breakdown of the thought process that allowed each tale to come to the page. I always appreciate getting insight like this! And let me tell you, when I got to the bit about The Grass is Always Greener… I couldn’t wait to get to that story!
Jason Voorhees: Camp Counselor –
On a path of rehabilitation, Jason is back at Camp Crystal Lake, working to support the camp. As hard as he tries to fit in, his history isn’t forgotten…
This tale is such a fun comedy horror that plays on what could have happened next on this character’s journey! There’s a moment where Jason gives a thumbs up that had me laughing out loud but also feeling bad for the guy.
Side Quest –
After an apocalyptic event, a man hiding in his bunker of riches has found himself in need of help. But when someone finally answers his call, will he actually get the help he needs?
I was so invested in the mysterious person that came to help! I want to know all about his other quests! And that ending… phew!
Something is in the Bamboo Grove –
When two young boys are told not to go to the bamboo grove, they do what any young buy would do… they go into the grove.
This tale kicks off with wicked suspense before going absolutely brutal! The sentence with the pigtails…. Oh my gosh. I can’t add it to my favorite passages as it’s a spoiler, but keep an eye out for that one when you pick this up!
The Witch of Dark Hollow –
Arriving to investigate a rumored witch, this hunter knows he’s unwelcome. Even so, he’s determined to find the one causing this farmer’s family grief.
This was such a tense read! When the Hunter started getting leads, I was so nervous to see how this would end.
The Grass is Always Greener –
Doomed to mow a law every day, this man struggles with wishing to die, or at least getting a bit of relief.
This was such a fun but dark tale! The idea behind it if hating lawn care makes me laugh as I can certainly relate! This poor man… what terrible torture. But boy do I love that the unanswered questions I had were left here, letting me try to fill in some blanks! What a horrible situation.
Endless –
A heartbreakingly relatable story of fear and parenthood.
Phew, I can relate to this one so much with my current stage of life. I read this at 3 a.m. one night while holding my fussy three-week-old…
My Curse –
Determined to off himself, this man with a terrible curse writes a letter to ensure people know monsters like this are out there and how to deal with them.
I loved that this man was able to hold onto some of his humanity, but phew what a difficult go he had… My heart broke for him.
Renfield –
While one man tries to convince the other to leave their subject with him, the other isn’t having it and is determined to bring the subject out. If he only were to listen to the hints that were dropped, this night may have turned out differently.
Oh my gosh, the way these two were totally stuck in their ways but didn’t exactly come right out and say why. The scene in the subject’s room… prepare yourselves.
Itch –
After some pretty major flooding has occurred, washing out the roads, this man is horrified to find himself covered in spiders when trying to find their sump pump. But of course, that’s not the worst that’s about to happen.
Oh my gosh, what a tale to end with! I was totally unprepared for the horror here and it left me SO unsettled… Every itch I had for days after had me panicking.
My Favorite Passages from Horrors Untold Vol 6 –
Truth be told, this was an improvement from the first day of summer when Jim sunk a fire axe into the small of Jason’s back. In Jim’s defense, he didn’t read the email from the mayor about Jason’s transfer before he attacked him. Jason understood and let it slide. On the plus side, the axe did get rid of an itch that Jason couldn’t reach.
— Jason Vorhees: Camp Counselor
— Jason Vorhees: Camp Counselor
Sure, there were always stares and the occasional wince and tears from children who scare easily. he was a nearly eight-foot-tall behemoth of a corpse after all. If some of these buggers cry over the Easter Bunny, what chance did Jason have?
— Jason Vorhees: Camp Counselor
— Jason Vorhees: Camp Counselor
The air hung still amidst the oil lanterns that flickered amber, illuminating the small limestone tavern. Moths fluttered about around the lantern’s glass as the sound of crickets in the late summer’s night chirped outside.
— The Witch of Dark Hollow
— The Witch of Dark Hollow
On the edge of town sat an abandoned chapel. Its stone construction had long since been left to wither and be consumed by snaking vines of ivy and unkempt rose bushes. No doubt in the chapel’s heyday, the foliage accented the beauty of the building. Those flowers now consumed the front side of the church, lurching high up to the steeple adorned with a fractured crucifix that still tries to reach for the heavens.
— The Witch of Dark Hollow
— The Witch of Dark Hollow
What if Hell wasn’t exactly all fire and brimstone? What if it was something else, something less obvious than the biblical representation? Say, maybe a massive acreage of grass that regrew the next day and would need mowed again.
— The Grass is Always Greener
— The Grass is Always Greener
If you’ve ever carved a path through the woods, you’d understand how easy it could be to get turned around. Even in daylight, everything looked the same — at night, it’s even worse.
— My Curse
— My Curse
I tell you this in the hopes that your police forces will employ this method if a suspected werewolf is in your town. I can tell you from experience, you more than likely have one. Just be safe and have a small stock. Even if you’re wrong, a silver bullet doesn’t harm a normal person any worse than a regular one does.
— My Curse
— My Curse
My Final Thoughts on Horrors Untold Vol 6 –
Another MUST-READ from this master of short stories! Each and every tale is a horrific blast, no matter what content the story is centered around.