A review by teegeneva
Hunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton


Where do I start….. this book; is definitely a tear jerker. It is heart wrenching, and sad because it’s so realistic. H.D did not hold back with the descriptiveness and reality in this book. She laid everything out and made you feel for the characters so much.

I didn’t break at the typical parts that people broke at. I expected the time jump. I broke seeing what the girls had to do after the culling, because I knew that would’ve been the moment that broke me. I can see how I would blame myself most for that, everything else I could blame others, but that would’ve always made me feel guilty; that would’ve kept me up at night.

The first half feels like a life time to get through because of the gut wrenching story you have to read through, but this book has the BEST healing journey I have ever read in the second half. I cried more watching Addy work on healing, and Zade helping her. The way he handled her healing was perfect in my opinion, it made me love him more than I ever thought I could.

This book will forever have the most special place in my heart. It’s a f#$king masterpiece, I absolutely heartbreaking masterpiece.