A review by meegzreads
The Light That Gets Lost by Natasha Carthew


ARC kindly provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

I started reading this and immediately didn't like the writing style. I tried going on for a few pages, but I can't get into books with this kind of writing. Trey's memory at the beginning was explained in what I think was supposed to be a child's point of view, but in my opinion wasn't written well enough to come across in a way that hooks you and makes you hold on.

Trey as an adolescent seems to come across in third person, and although less jumpy, is still written in a writing style I can't get into, or find myself being hooked on.

I like to get hooked into a story right from the start, and this one just doesn't have that feeling, so I'm putting it down. A great theory for a book, and for those who enjoy this writing style, its probably a great story. Just not for me.