A review by celiaedf12
The Chalet School and the Island by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer


The drains at the Welsh house the Chalet School currently resides in are acting up causing illnesses all round (ew), so the school moves to a small island off the Welsh coast - possible the most impractical place for a boarding school, one would think. It does, however, make it rather difficult to run away from boarding school, as Annis (the wicked schoolgirl of this particular volume) demonstrates towards the end of the book.

Most of the book is the school settling in at the island and discovering the joys of boating. Annis disappoints everyone with her rude behaviour (although she's somewhat distinctive in the history of the series that everyone accepts that her behaviour is entirely her guardian's fault). And we meet Kester Bellever, apparently the rock star of bird watching judging by the awe with which he is treated by all the characters, who teaches the School all about birds. Not the most fascinating of the books, but the island setting is quite fun.