A review by yodamom
Finding Your Element: How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life by Ken Robinson, Lou Aronica


4.4 stars
Did you attend a traditional school ? Was your creativity doused by math, english and following the program ? Do you even know what your passion is, or where your talents lie ? I really didn't have any idea when I picked this book up. I can do a little of everything and don't really know where my true talents really are. Jack of all trades master at none, that is what I was taught a little of everything. Was it the public school systems fault that I lack focus ? Who knows, but he gives a very interesting argument.
In this book he helps you focus on "the element' where the things you are good and what you love to do come into clear view. There are some steps to follow to help you form your talents into focus. I wish there had been more of these. He gets you started in the direction you need to go it's up to you to keep the momentum.

Most of the book deals with the educational system. The standardized test systems, the lack of arts programs, and one size fits all thinking of education. I would love to see every teacher, parent any one in education read this and expand their views. I learned that my talents, my element is one of the areas I put off the most. I'll be working on that in the future.