A review by reasie
Ex-Libris by Ross King


I picked it up with high hopes - the intriguing title, the promise of a historical romp through rare books - but the author's unrelenting suspense... ugh. Not a single clue or piece of information can be passed without first jumping to a new scene, one of uninteresting drudgery, and then leading up to a long discussion of unrelated topics, which the principal characters engage in with great enthusiasm, butler-maiding their way through all the news of the day and recent history. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't discuss the SAME historical events over and over, and with the same dry tone as a history book.

I did read to the end, though, largely out of pure ornery determination to find out what, exactly, the plot WAS. Sadly, it wasn't worth it, and in the end, not only is depressingly little revealed, but the principal characters effect no change on events or each other. LAME.