A review by cdrescher
Dreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor


Had to break out the laptop for this review! I want to give this 5 stars, but this is a 4 star book.

What I Am A Feral Rat For:
- If Ziri has 1 million fans, I'm one of them. If Ziri has 1,000 fans, I'm one of them. If Ziri has 10 fans, I'm one of them. If Ziri has 0 fans, it's because I'm dead. He is the definition of a sweet soul and I protect him at all COSTS!
- Zuse and Mik brought such a relief to the heaviness of the series, and I'm glad they continued to be important characters!!! And Mik was a SMARTY pants you can't help but love him.
- There is nothing in this world I love more than a consistent character and Akiva STAYED being a simp for Karou! We love love in this household!
- Laini knows how to write. She knows how to write characters, settings, emotions, dialogue...this betch can write and I felt like I was reading 600 pages of poetry.
- THE ENDING both made me cry and laugh and UGH!!! I love those two crazy kids

Things I Need Laini Taylor To Address:
- The introductions to the new characters was cool and all, but it felt too late in the game for them to mean something and they meant EVERYTHING to the ending.
- You can't end a trilogy with a CLIFFHANGER BABES. I mean I guess it wasn't a cliffhanger but now I need a second trilogy to tell me what's going to happen next!!!
- Some of the things (Jael, Stelians, etc.) felt too wrapped up neatly for me. I also felt we were 90% into the book and there was still SO MUCH that needed to conclude.

This series is still a 5 star series and I hope everyone reads!!