A review by atlevine
American Gods by Neil Gaiman



I have been eyeing this book for years. It's one that I've been afraid to read for fear of disliking it. I finally read it! And even though it, unfortunately, did not live up to my particular expectations, I am glad I read it and would still recommend people give it a try. Chances are (and based on the reviews this seems true) that it's my fault I didn't like it, not the books' fault.

A few days before his release from prison, Shadow's wife is killed in a freak car accident. From then on his life keeps getting more and more... Strange. On his flight home, Shadow is introduced to Wednesday, a man who claims he is the King of America, a God. Wednesday offers him a job - to work for him as a bodyguard of sorts. Because Shadow's got nothing holding him to his home any longer, he agrees. So begins Shadow and Wednesday's wacky road trip around America - meeting people and staying at random places. Soon it becomes clear to Shadow that Wednesday and his crew aren't quite what they seem, and the stakes are a lot higher than Shadow could have ever imagined.

This was just too slow and random for me. Too much back story, not enough pay off. A little confusing. I loved the parts where Shadow takes refuge in small-town Minnesota (or was it Wisconsin??) because it felt like a coherent story. It felt like there was a plot during these scenes. Besides his time in small-town America, the plot felt really jumbled. I felt like I was missing information on all the important characters, yet there was SO MUCH information. Some parts were intriguing, but most of it was honestly boring.

I was hoping to like this a lot more than I did because I LOVE the concept of America having all these different Gods that people bring from all over the world when they move there, and that their power is derived from those who remember them, believe in them, and worship them. Also that in today's world we have new Gods, a new religion - media, the internet, technology, etc. I enjoyed Gaiman's commentary on religion and what gives ideas power. Overall it was just okay. I'm sad.