A review by neelamreadsalot
These Broken Stars by Meagan Spooner, Amie Kaufman


Titanic meets Lost. When it comes to spaceships, and galaxy settings, I'm usually the first to turn away. Not because I don't find them visually interesting, but because I find them rather boring to read - too many details that I would rather see than imagine. I think I rather enjoy it here because the sci-fi in this novel is kept in check and not too over the top. One thing that did start to get on my nerves were the internal monologues post-love confession. I could have done without the "my Liliac" and "my Tarver" drone that was scattered across the last half of the book. But I can overlook that minor detail to say that I still really liked this story. I'm interested to see what the next two novels will be like (it is after all meant to be a trilogy).