A review by limabean74
The Great Shelby Holmes by Elizabeth Eulberg


I received this book at BEA and even got to meet the author and have her sign my book. I was so excited about this and couldn’t wait to read it. I love a good story about Holmes and Watson. This book was just amazing. I LOVED the characters and the story was so engrossing that I read the entire book in a day.

John Watson is an army brat, he moves from place to place but his mom is finally on permenant leave and they settled down in NYC. The apartment they live in has an unusual girl that lives upstairs. John doesn’t know what to make of her but winds up hanging out with her while she sort of shows him around town. When Holmes gets a new case to solve regarding a lost dog, it’s up to her and Watson to find out who did it.

I honestly loved Shelby, her sarcastic comments and ability to super sleuth was so fun and amazing. She was just such a fun characters. The story is told in John’s POV but I couldn’t help but love him to. The poor kid was so confused half the time and always trying to figure out who did it which really helped keep the reader confused. I really enjoyed how the mystery was solved and all the clues Shelby had figured out. This really was a fun book to read.

I can’t recommend this book enough, I honestly want a lot more of Shelby and John. They are amazing characters and the story was so involved but so fun. This is a great book for MG, YA and adults. I can’t love this book enough and so very happy I got that chance to read it and to meet the author at BEA. This is what I am, kind of hoping, is the start of a fun series.

Thanks for stopping by to check out my review.

Have a great day and Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Because reading is better than real life