A review by hannahmarae
Supernatural: Coyote's Kiss by Christa Faust


These books are usually a hit or a miss with me.
This one was a big miss.
I just don't think hugely epic stories work for these tie-ins. It's never believable. The plot of this one was super interesting, but it didn't feel very Supernatural. It bent canon too much.
The characters were off, as well. Coyote's Kiss takes place during the Soulless Sam days, which is.... a choice. We don't even get Sam's PoV, just Dean and Xochi's. Dean was okay, but Xochi was meant to be written as a female Dean but came off as more of a weak parody. The worst was Cass' short appearance, which was completely out of character. That point was where the book started going downhill for me.
Add in way, way too many sex jokes (I know this is Supernatural, but come on!) and a lot threats/acts of rape and you've got a tie-in that just doesn't work. It's not a fun addition to the Supernatural canon, it's just a mess.
Here's hoping the next one is better!