A review by readingwithstrangers62
Irresistibly Risky by J. Saman


“It’s complicated. It’s downright messy. It’s irresistibly risky. But isn’t life always?”
After finishing Irresistibly Wild, I was so excited for Asher’s book and he did not disappoint. “He’s a postcard of a man. A total dream.”

Asher has been pining over a woman he let down in a club bathroom almost two years ago. He thinks and talks about her constantly and the very last thing he expected was to run into her in another bathroom at the football stadium he plays at.

Wynter is an ex Olympian and now top notch surgeon. Her specialty is in shoulders, so when Boston’s star quarterback is hurt she is called in to fix him, she just never expected him to be her less than stellar one night stand that left her with more than memories.

Asher fell so hard so fast when he finally reconnected with Wynter, there was no chance in his mind they wouldn’t end up together and he did everything to prove to her that he was worth the risk. They were a great couple and I loved every second of this book!

Now it’s time for the final Central Square guy Lennox to get his story! Cannot wait for Irresistibly Dangerous in March.
Thank you @jsamanbooks for the ARC!
Release Date: October 2, 2023
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️