A review by subparcupcake
Cold Days by Jim Butcher


I honestly didn't think anything would be able to top [b:Changes|6585201|Changes (The Dresden Files, #12)|Jim Butcher|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1304027244s/6585201.jpg|6778696]. It was just so emotional and... Full of change (yep, I went there). But damn. Just damn. [b:Cold Days|12216302|Cold Days (The Dresden Files, #14)|Jim Butcher|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1345145377s/12216302.jpg|17189468] didn't just top it for me, it blew it out of the park.

All of those little things in the previous books that didn't make sense? The things I just kind of went with assuming I had missed something? Those questions are all starting to be answered, and on a totally epic scale. I feel like this entry in the series just took Dresden from and bunch of semi-related stand alone Urban Fantasy novels to one huge Epic Urban Fantasy tapestry. Yeah, tapestry, I know. I squeezed reading this into a Wheel of Time re-read, deal with it.

I love Butcher's sense of humor. I love how I can go from tense and on the edge of my seat, to laughing out loud, and then to getting a little misty eyed all in one page. I love that he teases my stupid squishy romantic side a little, without the story turning into a another lame paranormal romance (sorry PNR fans, it's just not my thing). I just plain love this series.

What else can I say? If you're considering picking this book up, I'm hoping you've read the other thirteen books in the series first. And if you've read all thirteen, I'm guessing you're enough of a fan to want to continue. And if you're a fan, you won't be disappointed.

No doubt about it, five stars. Hell, make it six for that matter. Loved it!

Damn it... Now I have to wait a whole year to find out what happens next.