A review by goldenbooksgirl
The International Yeti Collective by Katy Riddell, Paul Mason


This is the story of a yeti named Tick and a girl named Ella, who catch sight of each other when she is visiting the Himalayas with her TV star uncle and set off a catastrophic chain of events. Tick and Ella are both great characters with the very best of intentions, and I liked them both a lot. While it did take me a little bit longer to get into the plot as I found the beginning quite slow paced, I ended up really enjoying that too, and towards the end things got to a high enough level of excitement that it was pretty unputdownable. My favourite thing about this was definitely the worldbuilding of the yeti community- I found all the different setts really interesting, their naming system was so fun and learning about their customs and traditions was great as well. The way the theme of conservation is worked in and dealt with is also really well done, and very important. A lovely fantasy that I think fans of the Missing Barbegazi will really enjoy. 4/5