A review by bibliokayla
The Cloak of the Vampire by Sapir A. Englard

Did not finish book. Stopped at 18%.
I'll start with some neutrals that may be a pro or con depending on the reader:

- This is a low fantasy novel with a class structure within the vampire community that I have not seen before in other vampire novels.
- It is set in a college-like training/school setting, so if that is something you enjoy in a fantasy novel, this might be for you.

I am personally not a big fan of fantasy novels set in schools, but that wasn't a deal-breaker for me.

I DNF at 18% for the following reasons: 

- The main character's personality is inconsistent in the first several chapters, particularly after being turned into a vampire (quickly into the book).
- I also found her difficult to sympathize with - I imagine that if I stuck it out longer, there is a backstory to explain her general attitude, but in the first several chapters she was unpleasant and lacked depth.
- The way that all the characters interacted felt superficial and hostile in a way that I thought was too exaggerated to take seriously. It read like a caricature of how college students might speak to each other if they all hate each other.
- I personally was not gripped by where the story was heading.

I am giving it two stars as I do think it's readable, just not for me.

Thank you NetGalley and Montlake for the ARC.