A review by joannas
The Setup by Lizzy Dent


So, I picked this book up on a whim after work because I needed something to read while my bf did his online class lol. It was 30% and seemed promising. Did it deliver? Meh somewhat.
I think the ending was a little too fast paced for me; everything kind of just happened. Mara’s character didn’t develop all that much, and there were still so many loose strings that weren’t tied at the end. Plus the mention of the pandem!c made me sick like pls I read to get AWAY from that, but you do what you gotta do to escape yourself ig. Anyways, it was a pretty cute romcom, but like the astrology and star sign stuff was a bit much. Mara was also super super self-deprecating and, at times, not the nicest person, excusing everything because of her personal problems and insecurities. It’s fine to be anxious or depressed, but like don’t be an asshat to your best friend who just had a child and is obviously experiencing her own postpartum depression. Or, don’t leave the man who you obviously want to be with to go see whether or not some random cellist is gonna be at a pub you told him to go to like 2 months earlier. Idk just weird.
“The Setup” is fast-paced and oh-so-English. so if you like those things, definitely pick it up. But for now, 3 stars it is