A review by stuffhanreads
The Shuddering by Ania Ahlborn


The Shuddering by Ania Ahlborn, was intense, heartbreaking and terrifying all at once. As soon as you go into it the first 20 pages, you’re assaulted by fear and unease as one of many gets murdered by those creatures. The creatures in question appear to be almost wendigo like in appearance, they reminded me of the game Until Dawn.

As for our main five characters, I wasn’t a huge fan of many of them, I’d say the only two I really liked were Ryan and Lauren. Jane didn’t seem that interesting, Sawyer was a bit of a douche. April seemed okay, until she had a temper tantrum, which in turn led to her death and the destruction of their car. I loved Oona though, the love she had for her owner was amazing, she was so protective. I adored her and I was so upset when she died.

I felt similar when Ryan sacrificed himself for Jane, who in turn with the way that the book ended, is probably on her way again to being killed by those things. I think a sequel would be good, or even a prequel. So we could know more about the creatures and how they came to be. How nobody has noticed them, etc.