A review by alexandrasramblingreviews
Murder Most Festive by Ada Moncrieff


A Christie-esque, closed circle mystery, this book is about a Christmas holiday party gone wrong, when everyone wakes up on Christmas morning to find one of their party members dead from an apparent suicide.  But fellow party member, Hugh Gaveston, believes he was murdered and decides to investigate himself.

I enjoyed this but I think it was mainly the writing that kept me engaged and not the mystery or the characters.  Each character has a set purpose and never really stray from that, when you have 8 main players and some side charcters I don't really mind them not being fully fleshed out, but when you have an obnoxious character (like Stephen) who is nothing but obnoxious it gets annoying having to read about them.  As for the mystery, I wouldn't say it's the most mysterious - I guessed quite early on who the murderer was - but I did enjoy the reveal, but I also feel like the investigation wasn't as developed as it could've been.  I do feel like if I wasn't enjoying the writing as much as I was this may have gotten a lower rating or been a DNF.