A review by anuragsahay
War Cry by Mark Powers, Jim Butcher


Well, that was awesome.

The war between the White Council and the Red Court took up a major part of the Dresden Files book series until Changes, and one of the things that was always there was that we never seemed to see enough of the actual war until Changes itself - we often saw what the war was doing to folks, such as in Dead Beat, but actual focus on the war itself was rare.

This story is set right after Dead Beat and has Dresden acting as the lead Warden in a mission - I loved it. If you've read the short story backup, then there's some major weird stuff happening in this book, and the release of this story after Cold Days let's Butcher add a lot more flavour to the over-arching Outsiders-Old Gods plot that he's been building for a while.

All in all, I think this book actually proves me wrong about these comics being a way to write stories that don't impact the main plot - this story had a direct impact on the underlying Black Council stuff, even if it wasn't overt about it.


Re-read review in anticipation of Peace Talks:

Again, I don't have much interesting to say that I didn't already say in my original review. I will say that I hope some of the threads from this story get picked up in the main novels.