A review by betherin02
A Lady Unrivaled by Roseanna M. White


Full review on Faithfully Bookish

James is trying to turn his life around and put distance between the man he is and the man he used to be. He is ashamed of his past mistakes and has a hard time forgiving himself for the pain he caused.

Ella is known for her sunny disposition and positive outlook on life but she is not as naivé as her friends and family think. She is preparing to launch an offensive and the first step is extensive research. She even ropes James into her scheming and his surly demeanor doesn’t deter her one bit.

My favorite aspect of this book was everyone looking out for one another and coming together in an effort to stop the madness once and for all. This is a great story of redemption, justice, love, and beauty! I adore this whole series!

I requested the opportunity to read and review this title through Celebrate Lit. The opinions expressed are my own.