A review by storytellersbymarlou
A Dark and Hollow Star by Ashley Shuttleworth

Did not finish book.
This book was provided to me by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

31%, that's how far I got in this book and it's a bloody miracle I even managed that. At first I blamed my book slump for my disinterest in this novel, but it's just not my cup of tea. If you need almost 160 pages just to introduce your characters and your world then you're not writing in a way that I like.
I requested this book on Netgalley mainly because of the amazing cover and the promise of a great magical novel. It did not deliver... And I really gave it a chance, I usually DNF at 100 pages and I read almost 160! I just couldn't continue. The writing was too dense, the world too uninteresting, and the storyline too boring.