A review by allyriadayne
The Lost Sun by Tessa Gratton



I really thought I would like this book better... I mean, what's not to like? Alternative United States where the Nordic gods are famous and walk among the people of New Asgard, a quest looking for a missing god, and all the little bits the Norse mythology is interwoven in the society. To bad Tessa Gratton couldn't find a way to it to be engaging. Sure, the writing is marvelous and the worldbuilding kicked my ass but somehow the story was pretty boring. The main characters (Soren, Astrid) were as well in the sense that they didn't change at all, the only bits of conflict in them were resolved v. quickly and at the end I was uninterested in their destinies.

Well, I do have to say that the secondary characters like Vinder and Glory (these two are my only reason for continuing the books; a novella being about Vinder as a female berserker, and a another about Glory
Spoileraka Fenris Wolf!!!!
) were pretty good and likeable and their bits of hinted backstory got me going. Another think I liked, as I have already mentioned, it's the worldbuilding!! The author really immersed herself in it and gave it thought about how a world with Norse gods would function and what would be renamed (the days: Moonsday, Thorsday, Tyrsday, etc) or done differently. The mentions of Christianity still being a religion was really interesting, with certain characters having Bardur, son of Odin, the sun God, as an aspect of Jesus Christ.

Even thought I didn't like much The Lost Sun I will read the next books because I'm a sucker for good worldbuilding. Crossing my fingers for a better plot.