A review by aboutthatstory
Out of the Blue by Kathryn Nolan


Out of the Blue was an entertaining and engaging story. I loved the animosity and chemistry between Serena and Cope, the building tension and mystery, and the lighter, fun moments that were mixed in. This made for a really great read!

I loved Cope and Serena reuniting. I enjoyed learning about their history and how there were flashbacks intermingled within the chapters sharing it. I loved them opening up, being vulnerable, raw and real, and confronting the past. When the chemistry between them finally explodes, it was incredibly hot! Serena was a strong, outspoken, and determined woman. I loved her standing up for what she believed in. Knowing nothing about surfing or women in surfing, I found myself angry on her behalf with what she'd endured as a woman in the sport. I loved Cope, he was so protective and caring. He tended to use humor as a shield and I loved those moments he really started to open up and let his guard down.

There was a really good suspense element happening and I enjoyed all the hints as it built up. I was totally intrigued by that mystery. I liked Serena and Cope’s friends and family and how supportive they were of them. I thought there was a great pace and build to the story and thought the descriptions were picturesque. When Serena was surfing, how those scenes were described, I felt like I was right there with her, adrenaline pumping.

I absolutely enjoyed this entertaining, intriguing, and sexy story, it was a great second chance romance. I loved Serena and Cope coming back together, healing past wounds, and moving forward. This was my first time reading this author and I will definitely be reading more.

Complimentary copy received from That's What She Said Publishing.