A review by raven168
The Protector by Abigail Owen


This one wasn't a favorite of mine in the series. Where I didn't mind the political aspects of the other books, this one just had too much for me. I don't know...I just wasn't feeling it here. What I did really like is that the team still treats Finn as the leader. Which was something I was hoping for with how the last book ended.

Levi is being called back by his new king to fight the war going on on the other side of the world. He has a week (I think) to get there. Then there's Lyndi. Being born a female dragon, she always knew that the only value on her life would be a political marriage. But she never would have thought it would be to who comes to claim her. It's these situations that have Levi and Lyndi finally acknowledging their feelings for each other. Feelings that have been misunderstood for over a century. Their first encounter had Levi fleeing because of his dragon's strong desire to claim Lyndi, which left Lyndi thinking that Levi was snubbing her because she was female. So for all of those years both of these two have thought that the other has hated them. When they finally come together, Levi knows exactly what he wants for his future. But Lyndi fights it because she doesn't want to be the one to take Levi away from his true mate. Too bad for her, Levi is determined to get what he wants no matter what. Because of Lyndi's horrid engagement, a plan has to be made in order to protect her and all of the orphans that she has taken in. The consequences of this plan could be disastrous if found out before they get to safety, but it's chance they all have to take.

Adding to the problems of those two is the fact that some other group of dragons is going around starting fires and attacking other dragons all while setting it up to look like it's the Huracan team doing it. As if the team isn't already under enough suspicion. So there's that to deal with too, and the ones behind it really doesn't come as a surprise.

I liked how everything all went down at the end with their enemies. And while one thing that happened with Lyndi was super predictable, another thing wasn't so much and was actually pretty neat.

According the series summary, this should be the last book of this one. Which is really too bad because I would have loved to get a book with Rivin and Keighan. But it also seems like a really odd place to end things with this team.

ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.