A review by markk
Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power by Niall Ferguson



Niall Ferguson is a financial historian who made a name for himself in the 2000s as a prominent spokesperson for the then-ascendant neo-conservative movement. He is also, as he details in the introduction to this book, a proud son of the British Empire, one with relatives scattered across three continents thanks to his country’s imperial past. It’s an identification that clearly helps to inform his perspective on his subject. For while he openly acknowledges the brutality and exploitation that were an indispensable part of the empire, his book is nonetheless a celebration of what he terms its “signal virtues,” declaring that “no organization in history has done more to promote the free movement of goods, capital and labour than the British Empire over its long history. And no organization has done more to impose Western norms of law, order and governance around the world.” 

Ferguson’s ostensible purpose is to tell the story of this “Anglobalization,” to show how such things as commodity, labor, and capital markets came to be globalized by the British Empire from the 17th to the early 20th centuries. It is here, however, that we encounter the first of the unstated assumptions in his book: that this process was not already underway prior to Britain’s arrival on the global scene. The Spanish and Portuguese empires that preceded Britain’s are presented in his text as nemeses and targets rather than mercantile competitors who were already globalizing the world through their expanding trading networks. It is of a piece with another unstated assumption, which is that the other European powers that competed with Britain simply would not have delivered the same outcome. This is particularly questionable when it comes to the Dutch, who not only embraced many of the same values as their counterparts across the English Channel, but who, as Ferguson acknowledges, were beating the English at their own game prior to their “merger” in 1688. 

Such inconvenient details demonstrate that globalization was an ongoing process being driven by multiple interests rather than something that only the British could have accomplished. And perhaps Ferguson himself is aware of this, for the further one reads into his book, the more it proves less about demonstrating how the British globalized the world and more about providing a selective history of its rise and fall.  To his credit he does not deny the existence of red on the empire’s ledger, acknowledging its embrace of slavery, the brutality of its conquests, and the economic exploitation of the millions it ruled. Yet he weighs this against the civilizing mission that he describes, of their efforts to “modernize” non-Western civilizations, to suppress the slave trade, to educate indigenous populations. That the scope of these efforts does not even come close to the damage done goes unmentioned, creating an assumption of a fair trade off: the deaths of millions through conquest and exploitation in return for teaching the colonials how to beat the English at cricket. 

And this gets to what is perhaps the most glaring of the unstated assumptions in Ferguson’s book, which is that the “Anglobalization” he praises was little more than a side-effect of the centuries of conquest and control. The free markets he credits the British with introducing often emerge despite the restrictive fiscal and trading policies he describes rather than because of them. Ideas of the rule of law were often violated rather than upheld when it came to the violent treatment of colonial subjects. And most glaring of all is Ferguson’s citing of “liberty” as “the most distinctive feature of the Empire,” especially as, by his own admission, the British did everything within their power to prohibit it. In the respect, the most the British did to promote political liberty in their empire came in giving indigenous populations someone from whom to demand their freedom, which makes giving British the credit for this seem perverse. 

Ferguson does not delve too deeply into this, as he prefers to rush through Britain’s long and regrettable history of resisting decolonization to focus instead on the lessons their empire has to offer to the United States in the early 21st century. Ferguson was hardly the first to posit the United States as a successor to the British Empire, nor is he unique in regarding this as a good thing. But the lamentable history of America’s engagement in the Middle East in the years following the initial publication of Ferguson’s book underscores the fallacies of his assumptions. Instead of securing the triumph of liberal capitalism that the author so clearly adores, the civilizing mission of the United States has bred only disillusionment and a backlash against globalization. This makes Ferguson’s book less of history of the British Empire that retains its value than a relic of a hubris which demonstrated not the success of such advancements, but the discrediting of many of its ostensible achievements. While Ferguson himself may blame the United States for this for denying its true destiny, perhaps the real lesson is that the British Empire’s success in spreading its values via conquest was in the end more myth than reality.